No one likes to have their little one sick. You feel so
sorry for them and you do everything you can to help them to get and feel
better. It pulls at the heart strings to see them suffering. Let’s face it
though you usually end up sleep deprived and patience tends to get pretty thin
as the lack of sleep and their clingy whining seems to be endless. So when you
put on your chirpiest smile and go down to the doctors with all the patience you
can muster, why on earth are those dam receptionists so cranky? Yes they have a
demanding job. Yes some of the patients are mean or weird but hello it’s still
customer service and in my book that still means being polite and smiling. Especially
when you are deliberately being nice to them surely they can shed some of their
cow layers to crack a small smile or offer a friendly word. You already feel
sick or have been driven bonkers by a sick kid and you know you’re going to
have to wait for what feels like an eternity to see the doctor surely the
receptionist does not need to take on the ‘Door Bitch’ persona and rub salt in
the wound. One of these days I’m gonna take my thong of my foot and slap one of
them with it. Unless I am rude or angry to you I expect you to actually provide
me with the customer service you were put there for and making comments about
revolting things from ones pants should be discussed at a low volume. Not that
I think sand is that revolting and really is it my fault if my son decides to
climb all over my car with sand filled shoes and leave a pile of it on my car
seat. I don’t have a battery operated hoover in my boot so unfortunately yes I
guess some of that sand indeed made its way into my pants and then was left on
your seat. Big deal. Not like it was vomit or blood or mucus or poo or wee,
just sand for Pete’s sake!
Thong hah !!