That was until the other day when I went to pick the kids up
from school wearing the dress. For those of you that don’t know, my boys attend
a close knit Catholic School with approximately 303 students. After school all
the children come to a specified area out the front where they are supervised
until they are collected by parent/guardian etc. This pickup area is therefore full
of parents, students, teachers and most often even the principal who supervises
the drive through pick up. Picture it now, children lined up in class rows with
their teachers, parents in their cliques portraying how wonderful they are and
the principal out the very front near the kerb overseeing the whole thing. Then
there’s me walking up to this pick up area in said dress. I am about 10 meters
away from the pickup area when Josh, who’s already seen me and gotten
permission to leave, steps out of the grass area onto the footpath and in front
of everyone, hand on hip and shouts in a condescending tone “Mum! Why are you
wearing Daddy’s dress?”. Teachers, parents, friends and yes the principal all
turn to look at me who is now so red I’d put tomatoes to shame.
Guess I’ll have to start my own parent clique now.
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