I’ve always wondered why kids indoor play center’s don’t
sell Panadol or the likes. I mean supermarkets, milk bars, service stations and
toilet vending machines do so I am sure they could too. There has been many at
time at such places where I have certainly needed some or a whole packet even.
Today was no exception. The weather was cold and raining so the place was heaving
with yelling, squealing, screaming, laughing little people. Add on top of that
the parents all chatting and shouting away and the air gun booming as it shoots
foam balls in the ball area. That in itself is migraine material but this
awesome place also has a separate skating rink complete with roller blading
disco sessions. These skate sessions include lights flashing, music blaring and
D.J. on microphone calling out instructions, praise, birthday wishes,
competitions and all amounts of things. You could be forgiven in thinking as I
do, there should even be a doctor on site to prescribe valium to keep the
overreacting, highly strung, nerves on edge parents in check.

Today I witnessed something completely new. ‘Toddler ten pin’
as it was named by the table of adults behind me. I bet you can guess what the
aim of the game is but daren’t think it could be real, but oh yes to these cruel
excuses for individuals it’s a great sport. They had older age children that
they were egging on and almost forcing to go up into the play equipment or out
onto the skate rink and try and knock over as many kids as possible. There was
a points system and bonuses for tears shed or as they termed it ‘chubby chaps’.
Yup I know, disgusting, appalling, abhorrent and just down right wrong. So what
did I do about it? Confront the group of clearly lovely individuals 8 -1? Noooo!
I mean how could I and really what would that achieve. I guess in hindsight I
could’ve notified staff but that thought just didn’t penetrate my throbbing
head. Instead I went about accidently on purpose tripping, knocking, bumping
and even spilling a drink on this table of adults. I in turn made their time as
unbearable as possible. Twenty odd minutes after I started my barrage in pure frustration
this company of creeps left the building. My head ache may not have dissipated but
the sense of triumph I had certainly overrode it. Toddler Ten Pin Coaches 0 –
Em The Clumsy Gem 1.

That is gold em! They likely would have abused you has you got up them anyway! Love your work. Some people are just horrible.